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Minutes 1/23/07
Minutes of Commission meeting held on January 23, 2007
Present: Steven Anderstrom, Acting Chairperson, Patricia Caron, Howard Fife, Rolf
Hilbig and Kathleen McGrory.
Absent: Mary vandenBerg and James Wettlauffer.
7:00 Chairperson called the meeting to order.
7:05 Minutes of Commission meeting held on January 9, 2007 were read, accepted and will be distributed.
We received a recorded copy of the Order of Conditions for Edward Kell.
Steve Anderstrom read letter written to the Select Board (copy conservation Commission) about a telephone call he received from Cathy Gallant of the Massachusetts State Ethics Commission. This call was in regards to Anderstrom's complaint to the Conservation Commission about his neighbor Nicole Marcucci and water runoff onto Steve's property from the road to the Marcucci property. Two members of the Conservation Commission, Mary vandenBerg and Rolf Hilbig, on a previous occasion viewed the property in the complaint. A letter was written by the Conservation Commission to Nicole Marcucci requesting her to appear before the commission to discuss the problem.
Howard Fife viewed the property in a complaint by James LaMountain about piles of dirt on Chandler Road and possible silt runoff into Hamilton Reservoir. Mr. Fife found no such runoff and also stated that Chandler Road is a Private Road, not a town road.
Lisa Boudreau of 12 Craig Road requested advice about work being done on a Right of Way across the street. Howard Fife will investigate.
Motion to adjourn was made, seconded and approved by all. Meeting adjourned at 8:10 PM.

Respectfully submitted by:

Rolf Hilbig, Acting Secretary'
Copies to: Select Board, Town Clerk, Board of Health, Planning Board, Building Inspector, Highway Surveyor, File and HCC chairperson.